
Ghost is an artwork I created in collaboration with Thomas Traum. It was commissioned by EPFL+ECAL Lab for the Give Me More exhibition at EyeBeam, NYC.

A snow storm is raging within an abandoned, barren landscape. Within this storm you can make out a procession of human forms which seemingly try to find a way out. These bodies are remnants of the installation’s previous visitors, their ghosts, forever trapped in this hostile environment. Ghost records short sequences of every visitor and adds them to the landscape. Ghost attempts to trap viewers; as they are looking into the landscape, they become part of it.

Ghost is a window into an interactive, cinematic world. In this installation, creative coding and traditional forms of storytelling merge to create new visual experiences.

The scene is captured through a camera zooming over the landscape, with the environment shifting through pre-designed moods which influence the intensity of the storm, the music, the color of the fog and the sound effects. When a new visitor is detected, the camera approaches them, and takes away their ghost, which then becomes part of the installation.

Simon Pyke created a large number of sound effects to be combined with the sound-beds, creating a rich and varied sound scape. These sound effects range from the more abstract, as in ‘foggy’ or ‘ghosts mumbling’ to the more concrete, like ‘gusts of wind’ or ‘radio glitches’.

Additional Credits 

In collaboration with Thomas Traum
Original Music Simon Pyke,
Commissioned by EPFL+ECAL Lab



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